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Whiskey River Soap Co.

Leo Astrology Air Fresheners



July 23 - August 22

You are extremely charismatic and irresistible to most everyone you meet. You are generally the only person in the room who counts, and you know it. Hey, it's not your fault you were born for such greatness. People like you almost as much as you like you.

Leo Traits:
• fun-loving
• narcissist 
• dramatic
• leader
• talented
• charismatic 

Scented to match our Astrology Soap and Candles.
Air Freshener size: 2 3/4" W x 4" H
Package size: 4" W x 7" H
Two different sides, full-color.

© 2023 Whiskey River Soap Co.


Don't you (forget about me)...

Leo Astrology Air Fresheners - Astrology Air Freshener